My house is clipboard obsessed (at least for the male faction of the house):
personally i will have multiple clipboards in action at the same time.
each clipboard has a project that i am currently working on. this method is an excellent way for me to store papers, small parts (in a notebook size pencil pouch), manuals ex cetera. i can have them lined up and then just quickly grab and relocate to the work area.
i usually have a half a dozen home projects and at least a dozen other projects going on at the same time = lots of clipboards.
i am currently settled in at 3 sizes of boards:
12.5" x 24" drawing board
9" x 15" standard paper sizes clibboard
6" x 11" fieldnotes to A5 Rhodia size clipboard
3 sizes of board pieced together from wine crates: one drawing board and 2 clipboards |
the smaller clipboard is a bit bigger for a palm rest. when i write i do not (try not to) put pressure on my palm but with such a little surface i often end up at least using it as a guide.
the steps used to making the board is as simple as it gets:
1. dismantle the wine crates and use the lids as the clipboards. the lids are the thinnest part and
keeping the clipboards light is a priority.
2. the boards will have 2 layers so i cut the lid into the dimensions i need. the two layers will increase the strength of the board and stiffen up the writing surface.
3. as with everything i do, some scalloping is in order so i create the top boarder design
4. glue the two layers together.
5a. the clipboards will get the clips added to them and will be fastened with copper shingle nails and pre-1982 copper penny roves.
5b. the drawing board is big enough that i will put some reinforcement in the back. in this case thin slats of oak left over from the kitchen floor i installed. this drawing boards have a bit more weight to them, but their function is different and the demands on them require the stability
(especially when the youngest gets ahold of them).
the backside image show my preference for exposing the layer. still enough coverage but the laying better reflects my "exposed" designs.
the backside of the clipboards shows the layering, any reinforcement slats or copper rivet/penny roves
copper pennies and copper shingling nails are forever an addiction.
the relationship copper has to wood is marriage in heaven. both materials are warm, and have that pliable yet strong nature to them.
all clipboards should be able to hang if so needed |
a parting shot with the shaping of the board.
shaping the clipboards. my sweater is actually blue, but here is sawdust tan |
these boards are durable and add a bit of style to our projects.