Thursday, September 6, 2012

Greenwood spoon tools

Mixing up the tools is a good way to continue to develop ones skills.
making greenwood spoons is a good way to work on some hatchet and knife techniques and then interact with the test product.

the japanese hatchet is a great kindling splitting tool. its main purpose for me though is debranching fallen limbs. in spoon making the blade itself can be used as a draw knife, a slick or a hatchet. the skill challenge is how long the blade is. one can only choke up so high on it so each swing takes a more skilled thrust. the steel is premium so the blade it razor sharp. the skill of thrust is in the aim not the force.

the sculpture house adze i have had for over 20 years and has been a very dependable tool. very compact and maneuverable. good steel and holds the edge well.

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