Thursday, September 20, 2012

Making simple fire starters

Today was time for another batch of fire starters.

simple to do and only takes under 15 minutes start to finish.

the paraffin blocks are melting in the coffee can.
i use a double boiler, which consists of a 2 quart pot and a coffee can. i cut the paraffin blocks into smaller squares and it will melt very fast. i then drop in the cotton balls quickly and lift out with tongs. 
paraffin cotton balls just out of the can and set on a sheet of parchment paper.
 parchment paper is nice because  it can be used to light and start the paraffin ball on fire a bit easier.
paraffin balls will usually stick to the parchment paper so just cut it into squares.

after cutting into squares a quick crumple into a ball.
for storage i just throw the whole lot into a small coffee can. and that is it.

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